Tabletop Exercise
Tabletop exercises, one of the most talked-about ways to challenge and examine pandemic plans, can sharpen group problem-solving under pressure and elevate your company's preparedness—provided you properly design, carefully conduct, fully evaluate, and use the results of your test. Although no tabletop exercise can convey a realistic picture of a pandemic, it helps executives and planners find the plan's gaps.
The e-InnoSec team is highly experienced in conducting tabletop exercises for small to medium size organizations and follow the steps below:
- Define the scope
- Develop the purpose statement
- Define objectives
- Build the scenario foundation
- Determine major and detailed scenarios events
- Develop discussion questions
For example, in the case of Incident Management exercise the detailed discussion questions will include:
- Choosing a realistic threat - A successful tabletop exercise should resemble the real world as much as possible.
- Run through the exercise - Once the imaginary threat has been put into motion, each member of the group should perform — in real time — the actions they would take were that threat playing out.
- Learn and document - In addition to allowing the entire team to practice their response in real-time, the value in tabletop exercises is that they can help identify weaknesses and gaps in an organization’s response.
The various types of exercises performed by the e-InnoSec team include: Walkthroughs, workshops, or orientation seminars
- Tabletop exercises
- Functional exercises
- Full-scale exercises
- Tabletop exercises
- Functional exercises
- Full-scale exercises